28 May 2023
Dear Sir,
We are pleased to announce that the MNT Seed Testing Laboratory (MNT) an associate of Lal Teer Seed Ltd. has
been accredited by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA).MNT has successfully met all the
necessary standards and requirements of ISTA to achieve this important accreditation. MNT is the rst among
the public and private sector labsin Bangladesh to achieve the accreditation from the most reputed
organization in the world in testing the quality of seeds. As a result,MNT is now able to issue the certicate on
quality of seeds, which are usually acceptable to governments and the private sector alike in all over the world.
Lal Teer Seed Ltd. is the rst research-based seed company in the private sector. The company was established
in 1995 at the time when unavailability of quality seeds was the main constraint for crop production in the
country. The company has taken the R&D approach since inception to develop hybrids and high-yielding
open-pollinated crop varieties using the local germplasm. Andalsoto produce seeds locally and make them
available to farmers for boasting yields of crops in the country. So far the company has developed 199 varieties
of 35 dierent crops, among them 87 are hybrids.Meeting the domestic demand, Lal Teer also exports seeds to
Middle-east, South, and Southeast Asia, Europe, and North America.
Seeds are living being and maintenance of quality is always a challenge. Appropriate storage and frequent
testing of seeds in the lab is the precondition for the maintenance of quality.Realizing the importance of seed
quality maintenance and the need of internationally recognized certication for the assurance of domestic
and export market,the MNT SEED TESTING LAB was establishe at the very beginning of the initiation in 1996.
The Lab acquired the ISTA membership in 2015 and started working to achieve the accreditation and earned
accreditation in 2023. MNT Seed Testing Lab has also received the accreditation from the Bangladesh
Accreditation Board (BAB) under the Ministry of Industry, Government of Bangladesh, and certied by
International Organization for Standardization(ISO 9001:2015) on Quality Management.
The International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) is an independent, non-prot organization founded during
the 4th International Seed Congress in 1924 to develop global methods and standard in the eld of seed
quality testing. As of nw 130 member laboratories from 83 countries are accredited by ISTA. These laboratories
are entitled to issue certicates which are recognized worldwide.ISTA accreditation authorized MNT Seed
Testing Lab to issue ISTA International Certicates (Orange and Blue) required for the international seed trade.
The MNT Seed Testing Lab is ready to serve Bangladeshi seed companies and all stakeholders in this sector for
reliable testing of seeds, using the highest international methods and standardunder the framework of ISTA.